15 Freeway and Railroad Canyon
The Interstate 15 Railroad Canyon Road Interchange in Lake Elsinore has been recommended by the staff of the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to receive $15 million in state gas tax and vehicle fee funds. The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) nominated the interchange.
The interchange project is designed to reduce trip times and improve traffic circulation and capacity for the on-ramps and off-ramps with Interstate 15. Plans call for widening the Railroad Canyon Road undercrossing, adding hook ramps, and widening off-ramps.
“This is welcome news. This long-overdue project will provide traffic relief for not only the City of Lake Elsinore, but also for Menifee, Canyon Lake and the County of Riverside,” said RCTC Commissioner and Lake Elsinore City Council Member Robert “Bob” Magee. “Relief is on the way, and I appreciate the State and fellow RCTC Commissioners for their funding support.”
Final approval of the recommendation is expected to take place on May 16 during the next meeting of the CTC in San Diego.