Our exclusive photos from New Fire Ladder Truck at Ribbon Cutting ceremony held in front of City Hall on August 18, 2021. Featured speakers included, Riverside County Fire Chief, Bill Weiser, City of Menifee mayor and councilmembers, and City Manager Armando G. Villa
This new ladder truck has many improved features including a “clean cab concept,” meaning breathing apparatus and turnout gear that are exposed to carcinogens while fighting fire are no longer housed within the cab. The pre-plumbed waterway has been removed from the aerial ladder in favor of a remote-controlled nozzle and three-inch hose configuration. This eliminates the need to expose firefighters on the top of the aerial when water is flowing, reduces weight, and increases the aerial ladder’s ability to be used for rooftop placement. The truck has a larger motor and better suspension to lessen the wear and tear on the apparatus and the firefighters utilizing it.
Exclusive photos by Richard Sandoval